A Gift of Coins

For a couple of years, I had the opportunity of providing part-time accounting services for a few churches. One particular church was located in another state and I didn’t know anyone affiliated with the church. When I first started entering their weekly offerings/contributions, I noticed that there was a gentleman who was consistent in giving odd amounts that consisted largely of coins (and a few dollar bills). Every week like clockwork, amidst the pages of check copies and debit/credit authorizations, I would see the page outlining his gift of coins.

During the first few weeks, I speculated that maybe he was a child giving allowance money because the handwriting was messy and childlike. Finally after seeing his name and contribution of coins each week without fail, I asked the person who employed me if he knew who this gentleman was. The story he relayed brought tears to my eyes.

This gentleman had suffered a bad accident as an adult that had left him handicapped. Giving was so important to this gentleman that he began collecting cans each week to recycle. The coins he received each week from recycling were then given to the church. Every single week, this gentleman went out collecting cans so he would have money to bring and give that Sunday. What sacrifice and what a giving heart!

After hearing this story, I began to smile every week when I entered the contribution of coins. I would also pray for this gentleman as well. Even among the largest contributions, his gift always stood out to me from the rest. I can only imagine how his giving touched God’s heart, because it definitely touched mine!

While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the collection box.  Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins.  “I tell you the truth,” Jesus said, “this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them.  For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has.” Luke 21

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