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Church Life Blog
Theology, relationships, traditions, serving…these are all part of church life. Here you will find blogs about various topics relating to church life. Some are inspiring, while others may be difficult, but beneficial to our growth.
Thoughts on Scripture
It is so awesome how God speaks to us and gives us insight through his Word! We can read a passage one week and a particular part will minister to or stand out to us, while the next week it can be applied to a different area in our lives.
Shane’s Spot
Shane is my brother. He was born with brain damage and life with him is amazing, funny, heart-wrenching, and above all, God-given. His quotes and dialogue are often funny, profound, and so true!
Why I Write

Over fifteen years serving in ministry and being a Pastor's wife have inspired me to write about topics, trends, and traditions that relate to church life. I have enjoyed writing since high school, and my husband, Todd and I often engage in lengthy theological discussions together. Most pictures on the site have been photographed by me...I love the beauty of God's creation! Thank you for visiting and thinking with me. I look forward to sharing with you and hope you will grab your coffee and sit to read sometime! -Michelle Simmons
Featured Posts

Noble Character
Acts 17 But other Jews (in Thessalonica) were jealous; so they rounded up some bad characters from the marketplace, formed a mob and started a riot in the city. Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the […]

10 Things…
So many posts, so many stories, so much to process and to try to understand! I have tried to sort different aspects of our society out in my heart and mind with God this past week and here is where I’m at: I believe that a relationship with God is the most important aspect of […]

Wow…the past month has brought more lifestyle changes than most of us have probably faced in years combined. Many of us are probably fighting to hold onto things that feel “normal” right now. Though some may hope that life as we know it will soon return, the reality is that life is going to be […]

The Coronavirus and The Church
Lately, I’ve been interested in observing how the local churches are reacting to the coronavirus pandemic sweeping through the United States. Of course, however the churches respond to this crisis they will be criticized. I don’t mean to offer any further criticism because that is not my place. I would rather offer the local church […]
Dad’s Truck
Todd inherited my Daddy’s truck. I had seen my Dad pull up in our driveway in that truck countless times through the years. I would also see him at various places around town and we would honk at each other. It wasn’t just an ordinary truck…it was my Dad’s work truck. It was always full […]